
  • BrightSign HD5

    4K UltraHD single video decoding, mainstream HTML5 performance and simultaneous playback from local, networked and streaming sources.
  • BrightSign XC5

    4K UltraHD-Single-Video-Dekodierung, Mainstream-HTML5-Performance und gleichzeitige Wiedergabe von lokalen, vernetzten und Streaming-Quelle.
  • BrightSign XD5

    4K UltraHD single video decoding, mainstream HTML5 performance and simultaneous playback from local, networked and streaming sources.
  • BrightSign XT4

    4K UltraHD single video decoding, mainstream HTML5 performance and simultaneous playback from local, networked and streaming sources.
  • BrightSign XT5

    4K UltraHD single video decoding, mainstream HTML5 performance and simultaneous playback from local, networked and streaming sources.
  • Chief Impact Floor Kiosk

    Free-standing information pillar.
  • Chief XPA1U

    Abgerundete Kanten und schlanke Funktionen verleihen dem Wagen ein weicheres, professionelles Gefühl, das sich gut in Unternehmens- und Klassenzimmerumgebungen einfügt.
  • DMT Alpha Serie A1.9i

    HD LED screen for indoor use.
  • DMT Premiere Series PS3.9 Blue Line

    LED screen for indoor and short-term outdoor use.
  • Epson EB-1485FI

    The new 16:6 display allows maximization of the existing whiteboard, providing an ultra-wide display of up to 120 inches diagonal.
  • Epson EB-2250U

    Full HD projector for companies.
  • Epson EB-695WI

    Interactive projector with fingertouch function.


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